Learning Grows in the F.AVE Garden!
Fifth grade teacher Ms. Wise of F.AVE Upper Elementary was awarded a DEF Teacher Innovation Grant recently to reinvigorate the school garden. Ms. Wise manages the school garden and has already begun fall garden planting with her students. Over the last few weeks, they have planted two types of collards, several types of lettuces, radishes, sorrel, kale, and rainbow chard. The students are also assembling trellises for sugar snap peas to climb.
The garden serves as a living laboratory where students can observe and learn about plant life, ecology, microbiology, geology, weather systems, and biodiversity. As students use teamwork and hands-on skills to transform the garden throughout the seasons, they will gain an awareness of sustainable practices and the interdependence of living organisms. FAVE’s school garden is open for use by all of F.AVE’s students, teachers, and community members. F.AVE parents and staff members who are interested in volunteering with garden maintenance, please email Ms. Wise at: awise@csdecatur.net. All colors of thumbs (not just green ones) are invited to participate!