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DEF Scholarship Applications are now open!

ATTENTION: graduating DHS Seniors and parents/guardians of graduating DHS Seniors: Applications for DEF's 4-year renewable scholarships are now open. All application materials are due by April 15th. Available Scholarships Patrick Family Scholarship This scholarship, established in 2002 by members of the Patrick Family, who are DHS alumni, is one of the largest scholarship available to Decatur High School students. Recipients of the Patrick Family Foundation Scholarship must: Exhibit integrity and a strong work ethic in all situations Demonstrate initiative and…

Students From Talley Street Upper Elementary School Posing With The Books They Chose At The True Book Fair.

Talley’s “True” Book Fair Ensures Equity and Fosters Positive Reading Culture for ALL

“My heart is SOARING! My mom NEVER lets me get books from the book fair!"* While they are anticipated events for some students, traditional book fairs can unintentionally expose the inequities among our students, as not every family has the means to purchase books. In the past, schools have provided book coupons for students who are unable to purchase books, but that still serves as a social divider between the “haves” and "have-nots.” Additionally, book fairs temporarily shut down school…

Oakhurst School Counselor With Lighten The Load Weekend Food Bag Program | Decatur Education Foundation

Lighten the Load: Ensuring essential needs are met for ALL students!

Did you know that more than 70 families in the City Schools of Decatur are experiencing homelessness and financial instability? The burden of being temporarily unhoused or food insecure can be overwhelming, particularly for young people. You can help by donating to our monthly Amazon Wish List that is then distributed to students via the school counselors.

DEF Scholarship Applications are now open!

ATTENTION: graduating DHS Seniors and parents/guardians of graduating DHS Seniors: Applications for DEF's 4-year renewable scholarships are now open. All application materials are due by April 15th. Please email if you have any questions. Application can be found here

No Ordinary Joe With Cup Of Coffee

No Ordinary Joe

In support of DEF’s behavioral health initiative Joe’s Fund, we invite you to our next No Ordinary Joe event on Thursday, May 2nd at 7pm at Waller’s Coffee House. The evening of live music will feature students from Decatur High School’s Exploring Music Club. Waller’s is the perfect setting for an intimate evening of supporting our students’ self-expression AND Joe’s Fund — a huge thank you to Waller’s for donating their space for our event! Click here for more info…

Learning Grows in the F.AVE Garden!

Fifth grade teacher Ms. Wise of F.AVE Upper Elementary was awarded a DEF Teacher Innovation Grant recently to reinvigorate the school garden. Ms. Wise manages the school garden and has already begun fall garden planting with her students. Over the last few weeks, they have planted two types of collards, several types of lettuces, radishes, sorrel, kale, and rainbow chard. The students are also assembling trellises for sugar snap peas to climb. The garden serves as a living laboratory where students…

Fueling the BEST ideas: DEF Opens Grant Applications for Both Teachers and Students

It’s that time of year again: we are launching the annual Teacher Innovation Grant application process! Decatur Education Foundation has been awarding teacher grants since 2002, and last year we awarded more than $35K in funds to City Schools of Decatur teachers in almost every school in the district. These grants provide funding for our teachers to enhance classroom learning by introducing new books, technology and equipment, addressing different learning styles, and bringing creative ideas to life. We hope to…

Decatur Education Foundation Seeks Two New Directors

Decatur Education Foundation is seeking candidates for two full-time positions: Director of Programs and Partnerships and Director of Development.  For a description of the Director of Programs and Partnerships position and desired qualifications, click HERE. For a description of the Director of Development position and desired qualifications, click HERE. How to Apply & Timeline: To apply, please send a résumé, cover letter responsive to DEF’s mission, and examples of your recent work to Applications will be accepted until the…

Decatur Education Foundation Seeks New Executive Director

Decatur Education Foundation (DEF) is seeking a strategic, dynamic, and community-minded leader to build on the organization’s impactful 20-year history. Mission We solve the problems that keep our kids from finding success by connecting people, resources, and ideas. Central to this work is a commitment to eradicating barriers caused by systemic racism, income inequality, and the lack of behavioral health supports. Vision All Decatur youth realize their full potential, regardless of economic status, ethnicity, race, nation of origin, gender, gender…

DHS Students Explore Storytelling through Film

Christopher Brune’s title is “English Language Arts teacher” at Decatur High School, but he recently expanded his repertoire when he became one of two teachers of the brand-new IB HL Film class in the 2022-2023 school year. A few months into teaching this class of junior and senior students, Brune realized the class needed new filmmaking equipment and access to more movies for the students to analyze. “The DEF grant [will] provide students with the necessary equipment and knowledge to…

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