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DEF Scholarship Applications are now open!
ATTENTION: graduating DHS Seniors and parents/guardians of graduating DHS Seniors: Applications for DEF's 4-year renewable scholarships are now open. All application materials are due by April 15th. Please email info@decatureducationfoundation.org if you have any questions. Application can be found here
Talley’s “True” Book Fair Ensures Equity and Fosters Positive Reading Culture for ALL
“My heart is SOARING! My mom NEVER lets me get books from the book fair!"* While they are anticipated events for some students, traditional book fairs can unintentionally expose the inequities among our students, as not every family has the…
Lighten the Load: Ensuring essential needs are met for ALL students!
Did you know that more than 70 families in the City Schools of Decatur are experiencing homelessness and financial instability? The burden of being temporarily unhoused or food insecure can be overwhelming, particularly for young people. You can help by…
DEF Scholarship Applications are now open!
ATTENTION: graduating DHS Seniors and parents/guardians of graduating DHS Seniors: Applications for DEF's 4-year renewable scholarships are now open. All application materials are due by April 15th. Please email info@decatureducationfoundation.org if you have any questions. Application can be found here
No Ordinary Joe
In support of DEF’s behavioral health initiative Joe’s Fund, we invite you to our next No Ordinary Joe event on Thursday, May 2nd at 7pm at Waller’s Coffee House. The evening of live music will feature students from Decatur High…
Mead Road Mardi Gras Parade
Celebration of Excellence
No Ordinary Joe
Learning Grows in the F.AVE Garden!
Fifth grade teacher Ms. Wise of F.AVE Upper Elementary was awarded a DEF Teacher Innovation Grant recently to reinvigorate the school garden. Ms. Wise manages the school garden and has already begun fall garden planting with her students. Over the last…
Fueling the BEST ideas: DEF Opens Grant Applications for Both Teachers and Students
It’s that time of year again: we are launching the annual Teacher Innovation Grant application process! Decatur Education Foundation has been awarding teacher grants since 2002, and last year we awarded more than $35K in funds to City Schools of…
Decatur Education Foundation Seeks Two New Directors
Decatur Education Foundation is seeking candidates for two full-time positions: Director of Programs and Partnerships and Director of Development. For a description of the Director of Programs and Partnerships position and desired qualifications, click HERE. For a description of the…
Love and Be Loved: My Remarks at the DEF Celebration of Excellence Scholarship Dinner
(You can access the video recording HERE) For the past few years I have started my speech with “What a year this has been,” thanks to Covid. This year, I say those words with a more personal viewpoint. This event,…